The Salton Sea

I just finished a 10-week stretch of work with very few days off: weddings, commercial shoots and then corporate events not just in Phoenix but San Antonio, Vegas twice, Tucson and Palm Springs.  On the way to the Palm Springs job I decided to take extra time to drive around the Salton Sea to look for anything old, rusty, and abandoned.  I hit the jackpot in a couple of places: Bombay Beach and Slab City.  I used my new drone for overhead photo and video then shot most everything else with my Sony A6300; it has become my new favorite travel camera.  I still LOVE my Nikon D800s (I use 3 of them) but the still photos you see were all shot with the Sony camera and a couple of their lenses.  I used the Nikon for the “starry night” shots of the boat.  I put it on a tripod with a 20-second exposure so I could see the stars, then had 2 speedlights to the left and right to light the boat just before the shutter closed.

Check out this Salton Sea Video  I put together.

Here are a bunch of images from that trip:


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